Operation Safe: Healing for Tohoku’s Children

Tokyo, Japan- March 25, 2011 – After a traumatic experience like the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, anxiety disorders that create prolonged psychological trauma can become common among survivors, especially children. Symptoms of these anxiety disorders, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), include re-experiencing, avoidance and hyper emotional arousal. For children, these symptoms can also include fear of separation from loved ones, anger or aggression and re-enactments of the trauma experience through play.

CRASH Japan is establishing Operation SAFE – a child-friendly space for children to come and begin the healing process. Crafts, songs, stories and games are made available and used by experienced Christian volunteers who help the children deal with the difficult emotions they are facing through Operation SAFE’s five important principles, including “I am Not Alone,” “Be Strong and Courageous” and “You are Loved.”

“These campgrounds are an oasis of peace and shelter,” said CRASH Japan director and founder of
Operation SAFE, Jonathan Wilson. “In these child-friendly spaces, children can receive child-appropriate trauma care through the Operation SAFE program.”

CRASH Japan is currently in discussion with other child-focused relief teams to implement Operation SAFE throughout the Tohoku area to bring hope and healing to Japan’s children. For more information about Operation SAFE, please visit opsafeintl.com

Operation Safe

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