HTEP : Hokkaido Teachers of English Program 2011 Conversation

We welcome you into our conversation with the Hokkaido Teachers of English Program (HTEP).

We will be having four round table discussions:

- Group A: International Tsunami Relief Effort

- Group B: Parent Engagement in Education

- Group C: Student Life in Alberta and Japan

- Group D: Learning From One Another

An Introduction to HTEP.

The Hokkaido Teachers of English Program (HTEP) began as an intensive English language and cultural immersion for English teachers in Hokkaido in 2001. The program has developed into two separate cultural exchanges - one in Canada and one in Hokkaido.

The Canadian component is a 4-week program that focuses on 4 key areas:

- English Language Development
- Cultural Experiences
- Second Language Pedagogy
- Professional Development

As part of this program Teachers participate in daily Conversation Groups:

"Participants gather daily with a Canadian to discuss cultural experiences, clarify new vocabulary and practice pronunciation. Each group keeps track of the new concepts that are learned in the previous meeting so that they can be reviewed in future meetings."

For more information visit one of the above links or