Alberta/Japan Network Development (Summer 2012)

Based on Suggestions from Alberta/Japan Network Development (Summer 2011) and follow up with school and community groups, the Alberta/Japan Network will be one of the networks we plan to work on next summer see FACTSnet Summer Programs 2012.  Some of the possibilities are as follows:
  1. Continue working with the Alberta Japan Twinned Municipalities Association at
  2. To look for a sister non-profit organization in Japan.
  3. Connect with Albertan's in Japan and people from Japan (or people who have lived in Japan) who are in Alberta.
  4. Work with School Boards, teachers and other educators to develop curriculum resources, especially for Alberta Grade 8 Social Studies.
  5. Take an educational trip to Japan to develop networks,  friendships and first-hand curriculum resources. see curriculum links in index for historical places to visit.
  6. Further networking with other organizations, like the Edmonton Japan Community Association, to create more local networks and cultural sharing, visit them at: